Monday, January 7, 2008


Welcome to the brand spanking new bloggety blog for UNTRUE TALES, the newest webcomic phenomenon currently competing chipped tooth and bloody nail for internet supremacy on ZUDA!

Thanks are already due to you for merely peeking at this page, so thanks, thanks, and thanks again. This is all very exciting for me and I hope I can provide some meager amusement to distract you from the doldrums of the day.

In this here blog thingy I will post various sketches, half-formed ideas and other detritus from my addled noggin. If you're into that kinda thing, then, great day in the morning, have we got some fun time-wasting thingamabangs in store for you! If not, well... away with you, beggah!

First off, I thought I'd give you good people a peek at the actual star of UNTRUE TALES since he doesn't actually appear in the 8 screen competition tale (not the most brilliant of strategies perhaps, but nobody ever accused me of being some kind of pants-wearing smart guy).

So without further ado, behold.... Gabriel Stein!

Goonbag, you say? Luh-hoozer, you fake cough?
You may be right. I may be crazy. But this might just be the lunatic you're looking for. I've got big plans for this dude. And the majority of said plans have only the most tenuous of connections to Billy Joel.

Stay tuned for more character sketches, location scouts, and general asininnery as the contest unwinds. I have lofty goals to update this thing like an amphetamized spider-monkey, so check back often if you're inclined to waste some time (but prolly not so much on the weekends, 'cause that's when I feast on the blood of the innocent).

Most importantly, for the love of all that's mushy and smells of cheese... get on over to ZUDA and vote!
Vote like the wind!

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