Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Offending Finger

So there's been a bit of discussion in the UNTRUE TALES comment section over at Zuda about the preview-screen/avatar/icon thingamajig for my comic. Some think it's ugly, some think it's inappropriate, some think it looks like our lovely leading lady is flipping them the bird.

Me, I'm OK with it, since I'm all about the funny faces. If I could only draw people sticking out their tongues or gurning or screaming their heads off I'd be a happy fellow.  Also, it was cool to see a hint of my unused color version.

However, when I sent in my high-res screens for the competition, I did include a suggestion for the preview screen. Figured it was worth a shot, right? So, here's what I would have thrown up there if it was up to me:

I always liked the idea of having the title/logo in the preview screen. I think it worked well for Crooked Man and Alpha Monkey, and it looks good for this month's entries Fool King and SuperTron.

So how does my version stack up against the one actually in play? Better? Worse? 'Bout the same?

You be the judge.

In any event, I imagine the preview-screen has little to no impact on the voting outcome.
Everybody knows the old saw about books and cover-judging and all that good stuff.

1 comment:

Peter Timony said...

Personally, the preview image didn't bother me. She is not flipping the bird. I don't think a different preview image would've made much of a difference. Who would judge a comic based on that, and not the comic itself?

ANYWAY, Good luck in any future comics you might have, though I hope this one continues somewhere!
