Monday, April 13, 2009

Yes. We have Scam.

Good Monday, untrue believers!

New Scam is up and things look bad for the Gabesta:


So I been spending this week drawing lots of little lizards with lots of little lines on them and when I weren't doing that or drinking Mojitos I been working my way through the first season of Mad Men. Good show. Gee, they sure did smoke and drink a lot in the fifties. And it took me to episode seven to finally realize why that one guy looked so familiar. He was Angel's kid from the hell dimension. He's even more of a prick on this show than he was on Angel. Actually, pretty much everybody's a prick on Mad Men. But oh so compelling they are.

On another tv note, I thought I'd also check out The United States of Tara. I liked Juno. I like Toni Collette. Heck, I even like Aidan from Sex and the City. But this show sucks. Couldn't even get through the whole first episode. An interesting premise (multiple personality lady) realized in a completely unbelievable over-the-top fashion. Especially when Toni is possessed by her "toughguy" personality. Ugh. No thanks.

And finally, I watched the first episode of Breaking Bad. I thought it seemed really interesting. The wife did not. So that one gets relegated to the pile of "things to watch while the wife's out with the girls". This is why I've only seen four episodes of Lost this season.

Ah well. Back to the lizards....

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