Monday, March 30, 2009

Still Scamming

Another Happy Monday! Is it spring yet?

The big brawl continues in today's Scam smackdown:

The Scam page 25

Plus a sketch for your trouble:

So, the other day I went on and on about how lousy Dollhouse is. Well, this weekend I watched episode 6 which word on the digital street has as the big game-changer episode where shit finally starts to click. And what do you know, it kinda did. This episode was miles better than the first five and has got my hopes back up for this show. It even had Patton Oswalt in it and he is truly a god among geeks. He does a damn fine job in a dramatic role here. Not really seen too much of Patton's serious side before, but it looks to me like he has the makings of a serious character actor besides being one of the funniest people on the planet. Here's hoping they can hold up this level of quality in upcoming episodes. And that it isn't too little too late and this show goes the way of the gone-but-not-forgotten Firefly.

I also fianlly saw the big Battlestar Galactica finalé. A really great send off for a show I thought had a pretty uneven run. Lots of long boring stretches punctuated by some truly great Sci-Fi, usually in the two-parter episodes. The last episode really does wrap everything up in a nice big bow and I found it to provide really satisfying closure for all the characters. I even shed a tear or two for the resolution of the Adama/Roslin relationship. Good stuff.


I kinda woulda liked to see Baltar get a bit more comeuppance though. That dude was a real prick.

Have a good week, folks!

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