Monday, March 9, 2009

Still Scamming

Happy Monday!

The Scam continues as things really start to get hairy for ol' Gabe:

The Scam page 19

Here's a slightly boring sketch too:

Finished Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep on the train to work this morning.

Great book. Great writer. The descriptions, the one-liners, the mood - Chandler has a real way with language. If you're any kind of crime fiction fan this is one to seek out. If you're any kind of fan of hardboiled noir I'm guessing you probably already have. Haven't seen the movie in at least 20 years. Kind of thinking I'd like to rent it now. I was picturing Bogey and Bacall all the way through. Trouble is, I can't remember which part Bacall played in the movie so I just pictured all the femme fatales as looking like her.

Saw a couple of movies this weekend too. Rachel Getting Married was really good. Boy is Anne Hathaway unlikable in it. But that's kind of the point. Debra Winger rocks the house in a few key scenes. Kind of nice to see her onscreen again. Bill Irwin also has a great turn as the Dad. A really interesting portrait of a family that's been immensely fucked up by one daughter's drug problem.

The Reader I thought was just okay. An interesting angle on the Holocaust and the burden of guilt and culpability among ordinary people. Kate Winslet is always good, but boy, old age makeup still doesn't work very well if you can't afford to pay ILM a few million for digital aid. Mostly I found it a bit slow and ponderous. Watch it if you're in the mood for something gloomy.


Michael Perridge said...

So who did it?

Anonymous said...

this is better than UFC unleashed!!!
5 out of 5 stars, chief.

thx for your commitment and talent, brethren,


Sam Little said...

mpd57: You better be kidding. Like I'm gonna tell you that. Sheesh. Um. I'm not entirely sure. It's still a good book.

t.J.: Thanks again, man! Glad you're digging it.