Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stop Smiling

And so another Untrue Tale comes to a crashing conclusion:

Keep Smiling page 12

Hope you managed to hang on to your happy thoughts through that one. :)

Anyhoo, now that I'm living the high-flying life of a freelancer, I'm busier than ever, so your friend and mine Gabe Stein will again be taking over the weekly writer/artist chores on Untrue Tales for the time being.

Tune in next week for part two of The Hunter!

Don't be coy. You know you were just dying to find out how things are going with Simon Trask and the gang.

So another Zuda rejection slip came in this week. This one for a short story I did with Glen Walker called Hungry. You can check out more of Glen's stuff here.

This was supposed to be the kickoff story for a horror anthology written by Gabe Ostley and myself with a bunch of rotating artists. I guess the powers-that-be decided it would be too much of a logistical hassle to deal with paperwork and contracts for a whole passel of artists and individual properties. Who can blame them?

The idea was to have a sort of cryptkeeper character called Mr. Z introduce all the stories. Gabe drew up a bunch of intro pieces for the seven stories we wrote. Here's the one for Hungry:

And you can read the story here.

Still a few more Zuda pitches with various folks clogging the pipeline. With any luck we'll hit the jackpot with one of 'em. Plans are afoot to start cranking up the ol' promoblitz machine for the latest from Gabe, Steve Steiner and yours untruly.

Keep your eyes on the internetz!

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