Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Return of The Hunter

So busy I forgot to blog!

As threatened, the wing-a-ding-ding whirl of an uncertain future has set my plates to spinning at a mad pitch and in order to keep my world of fine china from shattering into a million billion shards of happy insanity, Gabe Stein himself will be stepping in to resume the tale of bounty-huntin', girl-punchin' Simon Trask in part two of the multi-faceted epic The Hunter. It all starts at the link below.

The Hunter part II

In the meantime, I got lots of comic-booky plates a-flying among all the rest of the housewares. New solo project is making the submission rounds at Zuda this very minute. Here's a sneak peek at a potential player:

Not much extra time for pop-culture babble otherwise. Saw two good movies over the weekend though. Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges as a down and nearly out country singer is absolutely worth a trip to the cinema. Great performances from a whole gang of actors. Bridges himslef coulda been a real country singer if he felt like it says me. Also, someone needs to tell Maggie Gyllenhaal to stop calling me. No means no, girl!

Also checked out Big Fan with Pattton Oswalt. Patton Oswalt might simply be the coolest man alive. I don't quite know how he does it, being short, pudgy, arch-nerdy and all, but he makes it work for him. He does a bit of a dramatic turn in Big Fan as a sad sack slob whose life begins and ends with the New York Giants. He's great in it and it's a cool little film. Track down Oswalt's comedy albums too if you like the funny. Goddamn, does the little dude bring it.

Okay, that's it for now. Seeya!


Excaliburt said...

Can't wait for the zuda sub, and yeah Jeff Bridges got a standing ovation when he won for Crazy Heart so I might have to go check that out. On the other hand I like Patton Oswalt but I don't know if I could sit through a whole movie about the NY Giants

Sam Little said...

Hey Joe -- BIG FAN isn't really about the NY Giants. There's absolutely no football-playing in it. It's more about the sad life of their biggest fan. It's kind of like a slightly less grim Taxi Driver. I highly recommend it!

Excaliburt said...

Ok, it has been added to my netflix list.