Monday, February 8, 2010

Still Here.

Hello again.

Yeah, not much time for blogging these days. Recently found out I'm getting laid off from my design job, which paradoxically has left me with less, rather than more, time on my hands. Doing that freelance scramble.

Despite my absence from the blogosphere, Keep Smiling has been trundling along with regular updates - you can find the latest page here:

Keep Smiling page 11

Some of you might have noticed the new addition of me and Gabe Ostley's rejected Zuda pitch Iguananauts to the main page.

We amused ourselves to no end with this one. Perhaps you may find it amusing too. You can check it out at the link below:


We've got a bunch of other stuff in the works with various constellations of Zuda folks old and new. So keep your eyes trained on the horizon (actually the Zuda site might be a more logical place to train your eyes) for more crazy crap from the Hammer gang and friends in the near future. Hopefully.

Happy days and sleepy nights, folks!


Excaliburt said...

This economy is getting pretty tough, they just recently slashed my hours at my job and that makes it all the more difficult to pay the bills and attend college.

Any ways I know you will find yourself something nice in the near future with those crazy comic skills, and where is the PayPal donation button? You know us supporters need to pitch in every once in a while.

Sam Little said...

Thanks, Joe. Things are tough all over, but we'll muddle through.

Don't worry about donations. The fact that people like you stop by and take the time to click through my doodles is all the reward I'm after.