Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What's it all about, Alfie?

I suppose there's the offhand chance that some new visitors may be showing up round these parts via Zuda, looking for the sitch, the lowdown, the whonow and the whatnow.

So if you're new and on the hunt for more Untrue Tales and extras and background info and the like, please allow me to direct you to the Untrue Tales website, at which you'll find a bunch more salacious stories to calm your comic jones:

We've also got a gallery over there with sketches and banners and all manner of knickedy knacks:

Fun for the whole family. In the meantime, I'll be posting some new doodles and sketches from The Compliment right here on the blog every day or so, in an attempt to capture your oh so fleeting attention, dear reader.

Here's one now:

More later!


Marco Sabatino said...

I'm a italian boy....Please visit my blogsite:

I personaggi Marvel...Uno ad uno!

PS: Sorry for my english!

Sam Little said...

Wow. Your blog looks pretty cool. Some gorgeosu Kirby stuff on there. Unfortunately I don't grok the Italian. Pretty pictures though!