So I went to see
The Incredible Hulk last night. It was OK.
Oh, here be there SPOILERS so if you haven't seen it stop right here.
Anyway, I liked it, but it didn't get me quite as pumped as Iron Man. I'm not entirely sure why not, since all the right elements seemed to be there, but let me ramble and see what reasons I can come up with.
Let's see. Well, I'm a big Edward Norton fan and he was fine in this. But just...fine. For some reason he didn't seem to bring that extra oomph that Robert Downey Jr. did to Tony Stark. I didn't think he was any better or worse than Eric Bana in the first Hulk film (which I admittedly quite liked aside from the ending). I liked Liv Tyler too and thought she had good chemistry with ol' Ed. William Hurt, Tim Roth, actually all the actors were pretty great.
I really can't quite put my finger on just why I didn't enjoy the movie even more. Maybe it's 'cause the Hulk himself looked kinda fake and rubbery. I thought he looked more real in the Ang Lee movie.
The fights were pretty great though, the high point being where the Hulk fights a super-soldiered up Tim Roth before he's gone all abominated. That whole sequence was pretty darn keen. And the final smackdown with the Abomination was pretty cool too. I kinda think the big monsters shouldn't talk though. It just seems kinda silly.
I really think if you were to combine the two Hulk films into one, you'd come out with a real classic. Just replace all the Nick Nolte scenes with the Tim Roth/Abomination scenes and you're golden.
Ah well. I did like it enough that I'm certain to by the DVD. If only to check out the rumored deleted scene of a certain super-soldier frozen in the arctic ice...
Here's a quick Hulk sketch in keeping with today's green theme: