Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Comics I've read lately

So comics. What's good these days?

Well, I just read a couple of Batman Books by Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen. Private Casebook and Heart of Hush.

These are the best Batman stories I've read in a long while. Cool, clever, mostly stand-alone stories that you can enjoy without having to read a million other books. Great art from Nguyen too. I'd like to see him do a whole graphic novel in the style that he does those Batman covers. I think I heard something about Dini doing a new Zatanna series too. I just might have to pick that up too.

You know what else I like? Oddly enough, Peter David's

Again I like that it mostly stands alone and I can enjoy the stories while only being vaguely aware of the larger continuity goings-ons. David really seems to have an interesting take on Jamie Madrox. He's turned this guy into a really cool and complex character. And I like what he's done with Layla Miller too. Fun, old school book.

Warren Ellis is a writer who rarely lets me down as a reader. The latest from him is No Hero with Juan Jose Ryp.

Another superhero deconstruction tale, it's good ultraviolent fun in the same vein as Black Summer. Some nice twists and turns and fabulous hyper-detailed art from Ryp. Here's a dude that just keeps getting better and better. I really dig the famous cover homages in this book too.

I also checked out Ellis' first Astonishing X-Men arc
Ghost Box.

I thought this was just OK. Gorgeous art by Simone Bianchi, but I wasn't blown away by the story. I thought Whedon's run was the best since the original Claremont/Byrne days, so maybe this just had too much to live up to. I'll be picking up the next collection from Ellis and... did he do an arc with Phil Jimenez? Or is the latest thing with Kaare Andrews the next arc? Unsure. But I like Ellis' X-Men enough to pick up the next collection when it comes out in paperback.

Bye for now!

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