So I'll blog about some stuff. Right here and now.
Blog. Blog. Blog.
Bloggety blog.
Say, have you seen that new Batman movie? I finally saw it the other night and you know what? It's pretty much just as good as everybody says it is. It's really pretty darn great. I wasn't quite as in love with Batman Begins as a lot of people were, so my expectations were kinda low. I was already leery of the whole "Batman growly voice" but for some reason it didn't bug me so much this time. Sure, Batman still looks kinda silly when brightly lit, but I really bought into it this time. And Heath Ledger is indeed awesome as the Joker. Not Oscar awesome, maybe. His performance is great, but y'know, I don't think it's really a difficult part for an actor to play. Anyway, it's a great Batman movie. I've heard some loose talk about it being Godfather part II levels of great, but that's kinda ridiculous. It's Iron Man levels of great and that's great enough for me.
Since I'm wasting time with useless nonsense here's a list of my top ten personal favorite comic book action movies. I'm putting the "action" disclaimer ther 'cause I'm not including brilliant movies like American Splendor and Ghost World on this list, 'cause really, what kind of nut wants to compare those to Daredevil?
1. X-Men 2
I love this movie with a pure geek heart. Chock full of shiver-inducing nerd moments from the Nightcrawler opening to the Phoenix shadow on the lake.
2. X-Men 3
I don't understand the venom directed at this movie. This is only a hair less great than X2.
3. Sin City (The Marv part)
The parts of the movie without Mickey Rourke in it are merely OK. The parts with Mickey Rourke are more awesome than my balls.
4 & 5. Iron Man and The Dark Knight
These are both equally great. Robert Downey Jr is cooler than Christian Bale, but Heath Ledger is a way cooler villain than Jeff Bridges (although I actually thought Jeff Bridges was pretty cool).
6. X-Men
I just like the X-Men I guess.
7. 300
I like it when the guys kill the other guys.
8. Spider-Man 2
I remember this as being pretty cool. I need to watch it again to wash the bad taste of Spidey 3 out of my brain.
9. The first hour of Spider-Man
It approaches perfection... and then Macy Gray and that stupid Power Ranger show up and ruin everything.
10. Fantastic Four
I enjoyed the heck out of it. Even waxen Jessica Alba and a terribly miscast and mischaracterized Dr. Doom didn't ruin it for me. The Thing is awesome.
So there you have it. My useless opinion about untimely things already discussed elsewhere by more eloquent discussers.
Here's some slightly more useful information:
Avoid Mamma Mia like the plague. It is god fucking awful. And I'm a guy who likes a good musical. Moulin Rouge? Awesome. Across the Universe? Keen. Grease? Classic.
Mamma Mia? Unwatchable. Don't waste your time. Okay, there's two good songs with Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan, but you can probably catch those by theselves on YouTube sometime if you really feel the need.
Okay, that's it. I'm rambled out.
Here's a sketch of the Joker since he was mentioned in all the ramdambling somewhere:

Sam Little- That's a great top ten list and I pretty much agree- tho I would include the original Dolph Lundgren Punisher movie- because it was so bad its good..and it had ninjas.
The 300= War porn. I don't know who said that but it's true. lol
If I could choose to be anyone in this world other than myself, it would be Dolph Lundgren. I'd just go around telling everyone that I will break them.
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