Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday is for Hunting

Howdydo. Another Monday, another update. Gabe continues the gripping saga of Simon Trask:

The Hunter page 2

Of other interest, I've got a story in an online anthology that some fine folks at the Michael Avon Oeming Board over at Jinxworld put together. The antho's called SECRET PROJECT and there's a bunch of interesting stories by a number of burgeoning creators in there, updating with a new comic every other week. Here's a cool cover thing that Mike Oeming did for it:

Check out the stories so far at the link below:


My story went up today and it will be familiar to regular Untrue Tales readers, but give it a look for insight into how I've cunningly designed Untrue Tales to function in both web-friendly landscape and the more traditional portrait format. Oh, I'm so terribly clever. Yeah.

So I just watched the newish Ultimate Cut of Watchmen.

I really love this movie. Still think it's just about perfect, and I love the addition of the Black Freighter stuff and the extra scene with Hollis Mason especially. I remember some of the music choices as being somewhat controversial, but I really dig all the song placement too. The one weak spot continues to be with the Veidt character. I just feel that Matthew Goode plays him as so coolly evil from the get-go that he just seems so obviously the villain. This is as much the fault of the director as the actor I suppose. I think the character would have been more effective if he had been played with more eager innocence - almost kindly in his machinations. I think a young Jeff Bridges would have been perfect in the part. No contemporary actor immediately springs to mind, except maybe Jude Law, but he seems maybe a little too on the nose. I don't dislike Goode though, so it's not a major problem for me. And all the other actors are incredibly spot on. I would single out Jackie Earl Haley for being particularly great, but I think he just pops out to the fore because Rorschack is so compelling as a character. Billy Crudup, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Malin Ackerman, Patrick Wilson and Carla Gugino are all equally as good in their respective parts. And I say Dr. Manhattan looks cool and creepy as hell. I totally buy the CGI work there. It's really almost miraculous how good the movie turned out. I don't think even Terry Gilliam could have done as well as Zack Snyder. Okay. I'm done gushing now. When I finally get a bluray projector this'll be the first movie I buy and then I'll probably come back and write all the same shit again. Except in high def.

Anyhoo, here's another little teaser for my latest Zuda hopeful:

Over and out.


Gabe Ostley said...

Haven't seen that Ultimate edition yet. So they put the animation into it? I watched that Black Freighter thing separately awhile back and loved it.
Nice one on the Secret Project site man! One of my fav UT's.

Excaliburt said...

Yeah the Hollis Mason flashback is by far my favorite part of the ultimate version. Take that Captain Axis!

Also I put one of those links up for Untrue Tales on my blog, hope you don't mind.

Back to work I go.....ugh.

Sam Little said...

Yeah, they integrated the animation and they have all the stuff with the kid and the newsvendor too. It works really well and adds that nice extra dimension to the story.

Joe - mucho appreciado for the link, man! I'll return the favor!